
时间:2024-04-02 01:20:51

It's very nice that you are here. (还好有你在这)对,很礼貌lucky to have u / lucky you are here 也不错,很口语 还好有你 in good English 也可以说:I'm so glad/happy that you're here (with me/by my side)= 还好你(在我身边)It's so good to have you around! (= you're fun to be with)We are lucky to have you or (It's) Great to have you here! 都意味着 = 还好有你的帮助和支持 I feel so happy because of you. (因为你我感到很幸福)不是这个意思,比如说:You finally made it, I feel so happy because of you. = 你终于成功啦 我真的为你很开心。

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